Written assignment evaluation

The Written Assignment:  (Due Monday, July 10 by 5:00pm on your blog)

In order to give your project some context and to connect it to the major themes of this course, I want you to write about the process and product you have created.  Your goal here is to show me that you got something out of taking this course, to demonstrate that you understand the major course themes and issues (such as new media, digital natives, educational reform, critical pedagogy, media as ideology, textual analysis, representation, consumers/producers, etc). Each person must write a +/-1000 word blog post that includes the following:  

Unacceptable/Absent (under 7)
Includes a narrative context about where this project came from, what you did and why it is important to you
Explains how this use of digital technology positions you as a technocrat, techno-traditionalist, or techno-constructivist to enhance or change content/context
Discusses how this project reflects what you believe about how students learn (points x2)
Draws from at least 3 of our course themes, texts or issues (points x2)
Demonstrates something that you could not have done or conceptualized before this course
X Blog
Includes hyperlinks to at least 5 external resources (academic and/or technical)
Writing Style (creativity, style, flow)
Writing Skills (grammar, spelling, format)

(Please include this self-assessed rubric in your final blog post.  Give yourself a score in each area.  You can post it as an image, post it as a link in your google drive, or simply type it into your blog.)


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