Digital Native verses Digital immigrant blog

I am not a digital Native, I am a digital Immigrant 
Quote from the article below
 "We see the world differently from the people who came before us. Generations are simply oppositional in nature. But they don’t have to be at odds with each other. It’s about talking with and learning from people who you normally wouldn’t work with, who don’t see things the way you do. What will you do to start a dialogue with a generational stranger, your digital other?"

  Article of what is a digital native

Although I am a digital immigrant I do consider myself very adapt and competent with both knowledge and use of technology so I would consider myself an "Enthusiastic Participant."

  1. Enthusiastic Participants.
    This group is the largest group of Digital Natives. Like their Digital Immigrant cousins the Eager Adopters, Enthusiastic Participants embrace and use all forms of digital technology. This group prefers texting and tweeting over sending out email blasts. They are aware of the latest technology, trends, and tools. Their online and offline lives are blending together.
Marc Prensky looks into digital immigrants

Not all digital immigrants are the same.  See the link below

Not all digital immigrants are the same

Are you a native or digital immigrant

Are you a native or digital immigrant

Characteristics of Digital Natives

Characteristics of Digital Natives

Youtube video
Prensky discussion digital natives


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