I believe that kids are smarter than we think.
I believe that students have experiences different than our own.
I believe that kids love to share what they know.
I believe that kids can help us see things in ways we may have never thought of before.

As Turkle would defend--when having face to face conversations with others, we converse with ourselves, which ultimately provides us with a learning opportunity for self-reflection...  Also as a teacher I decided to put these beliefs into practice by enlisting my former students to come back to help me with my ever-growing robotics program and assist me in launching our district's first mentor program. Kids teaching kids changed my world and reinforced Susan’s Patterson notion that the Best way to learn--is to teach.

I plan to use google classroom to help my students organize their writing tasks on a single document in a single location so that they can later share with each other as well as with me.  This will be  a techno-traditionalist approach because it puts a traditional paper to pencil free- writes into an organized google document where feedback and updates can be done more efficiently. Turkle would say that this allows my students to start conversations that are of interest to them with each other, with the class and with me.

I also plan to create a blog where students can post their favorite ideas, designs and beliefs about their learning experience--and by Wesch’s contention, would put the learning back into the hands of the learner, and give me the opportunity to step back and let my students lead the way.


  1. Madeline, I have also been inspired by this class to create a blog, and I am thinking about using google classroom as well. I like your thinking in this!


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