
Written assignment evaluation

The Written Assignment :  (Due Monday, July 10 by 5:00pm on your blog) In order to give your project some context and to connect it to the major themes of this course, I want you to write about the process and product you have created.  Your goal here is to show me that you got something out of taking this course, to demonstrate that you understand the major course themes and issues (such as new media, digital natives, educational reform, critical pedagogy, media as ideology, textual analysis, representation, consumers/producers, etc). Each person must write a +/-1000 word blog post that includes the following:   Excellent (9.5-10) Great (8.75-9.25) Good (8-8.5) Passing (7-7.5) Unacceptable/Absent (under 7) Includes a narrative context about where this project came from, what you did and why it is important to you X Explains how this use of digital technology pos...

narrative. Using google docs for journal quick writes

  Madeline’s Narrative: Using Google Classroom and Google Docs for Writing Notebooks  I grew up in the 70’s when Pong was the game of choice and before computers were readily used in homes. In college, I used computers regularly for my course work. When I graduated college in 1990, I purchased the newest Macintosh LC to begin my graduate studies. It was the first computer I owned.                                                            In 2002 I left the California sunshine for a different New England experience when my husband took a teaching position at the Naval War College. After acclimating myself to the beautiful New England summers and very cold winters--I worked on getting my California c...

Pecha Kucha Presentation

Madeline's pecha Kocha:  Using google classroom and google docs for writing notebooks
Over the weekend I watched National Geographic's "Genius."  It is an awe inspiring period piece about Albert Einstein.  So much I didn't know--so many parallels to today's youth, politics and the many injustices in the world...what the past can teach us.  What I also found interesting was that chapter 2 encompassed many of the topics discussed in class such as being labeled "dreamer" or just "lazy."  What does it mean when we want to discover and learn about things that are of interest to us "the learner" verses memorizing text presented to us by the curriculum or teacher.  It also references how women who were interested in science wanted to be heard when no one was interested in listening.  Very thought provoking 🤔
• I believe that kids are smarter than we think. • I believe that students have experiences different than our own. • I believe that kids love to share what they know. • I believe that kids can help us see things in ways we may have never thought of before. • As Turkle would defend--when having face to face conversations with others, we converse with ourselves, which ultimately provides us with a learning opportunity for self-reflection...  Also as a teacher I decided to put these beliefs into practice by enlisting my former students to come back to help me with my ever-growing robotics program and assist me in launching our district's first mentor program. Kids teaching kids changed my world and reinforced Susan’s Patterson notion that the Best way to learn--is to teach. I plan to use google classroom to help my students organize their writing tasks on a single document in a single location so that they can later share with each other as well as with me.  This wil...

Madeline's Can Wesch and Turkle be friends?

Welsch believes that students are struggling to find meaning and significance in their education.  He claims that when students, like my own, ask questions such as “What do we need to know to pass the test?” education then becomes more about grades, than an opportunity to understand the world around them in a meaningful way.  He believes that when students are given ownership in how they learn, and are given the freedom to find and present information that is meaningful to them, it changes their perspective on what it means to be educated.  I agree with Wesch’s approach to creating meaningful learning opportunities, where students are more interested in the learning than what they need to know in order to get a good grade. However, in our k-12 world of education, we as educators are often tied to our district’s curriculum, which is designed to align with the district’s desired testing outcomes.  I’m not saying that creating global learning experiences is not possi...
when gender doesn't matter game